Lock and Load!

… was the name of the game at the team event of the BIG.Cube SAP Ana­ly­tics Team. On a Tues­day af­ter­noon, the team didn’t throw around a lot of know­ledge, but small pel­lets of co­lour.

In two hard-fought and swea­ty duels, the team, di­vi­ded in­to two sub­teams, de­man­ded every­thing from each other. Des­pite the high in­ten­si­ty, every­one was able to leave the bat­tle zone in­ju­ry-free. This was pro­ba­bly due to the speed and the high agi­li­ty of the figh­ters, which they live out in their dai­ly work any­way. 😉

Af­ter the ex­haus­ting fights, ta­pas and pa­ella awa­kened holi­day fee­lings in a nice res­tau­rant in Munich’s Werks­vier­tel. The high ca­lo­rie con­sump­tion of play­ing paint­ball was suc­cess­ful­ly com­pen­sa­ted for and the eve­ning en­ded calm­ly while si­tting to­ge­ther in a co­sy at­mos­phere – des­pite the wild start.

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